Monday 23 June 2014

Charisma + oratorical skills + Skillfulness at making deals with politicians.

Charisma and oratorical skills + Skillfulness at making deals with politicians

-Hitler was a good political strategist, willing to wait for right opportunity to take power gradually. He was skillful at making deals to advance his own position

-November 1932 elections, Nazi support dropped by 2 million votes, lost 34 seats in Reichstag. Hitler made a deal with the conservatives to get himself back to power

-Jan 1933, Hitler invited to be Chancellor. 1st yr as chancellor, Hitler ruled in Coalition gov as a result of deal made by politicians who had undermined his capabilities. When time was right & he had won enough support, Hitler acted decisively to take control over gov.

Reorganising of Nazi party

-Talk of equality, state control of economy & creation of jobs which attracted the left

-Anti-Boshelvik and anti-communist views appealed to the right

-Promised to solve G's 2 main problems of rampant unemployment & crisis in farming sector

True orator

-prep and practiced his speeches

-could gauge mood of audience

-Had incredible energy; made 3-4 speeches a day
-Appeared sincere to the people

Beer Hall speeches

-made many speeches in beer halls where ppl were at ease and easily swayed      
-started speeches calmly and logically

-began to rant & rave when the audience got drunk

Addressed people's concerns

-know concerns of the people

-Used 'November Criminals', communists and the Jews as scapegoats for Germany's ills exploitation of fear of communism


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